Balance: The Art of Living Well-Part II
“The key to finding a happy balance in modern life is simplicity.”
Living a life of voluntary simplicity sets people free from the pressures of modern society. It is living life with intention and mindfulness appreciating inner beauty and the small things in life, to leave space to explore the depths of life’s full gifts in the present moment. Simplicity helps create balance and moderation. Moderation is the middle road, an avoidance of any extreme, whether it be diet, exercise, spending, working, to name a few. Balance is the fruit of moderation and simplicity combined. If you are feeling out-of-balance, begin to take inventory of your life.
A good way to start is by writing things down. There is strength when we can name things and clarity when we see it in writing. Make a list of the most important things in your life: health, work, fitness, leisure, relationships, emotional health, etc. Start with one category and list one thing you can change or add to bring harmony and balance. Making plans and at the same time remaining flexible, are essential. Begin step by step. Small steps add up in daily life to big changes. Application to is the key, it is necessary to put the intention into action!! Remember the 21/90 habit rule: it takes 21 days to change a habit and 90 days to make a permanent lifestyle change. Most importantly, know that self-care is not selfish. Taking care of yourself, prioritizing life is essential to good health and a life that is balanced and well-lived.